The purpose of the Monitor Telegram is to bring to light key issues affecting taxpayers. As a Citizen of the World, a small business owner, a father, and taxpayer, I am deeply concerned about what is going on economically.
Billions of dollars in public money is either stolen or wasted every month. Financial scams involving federal funds, doctors running amok and hiding from public scrutiny, government employees directing public contracts go to their friends, you name it.
In some cases, news media picks up on these issues and does stories, but they are too restricted by the “rules” and so key issues end up with partial or incomplete coverage, or are just plain forgotten.
As for politicians, you noticed that although it is the single biggest issue effecting America’s future neither presidential candidates are speaking about it?
The Monitor Telegram one man’s small effort to provide a voice for our side, the taxpayers that are the major victims.
Bob D. Smith, Publisher