The Monitor Telegram has been sent and been given permission to publish a six article series entitled “Canada’s Taxpayer-Funded Medical Liability Protection Agency – Profiteering, Legal Bullying and Deception in an Entrenched “Medical Protectionism” System Out of Control.”
I think you will find these articles spellbinding while at the same time, as a Canadian, outraged by the subject matter. Apparently, we are the only country on the planet that has a system like this, according to sources who have fought this system.
The series looks at the Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA), a private yet publicly-funded protectionist organization for the nation’s doctors and how the CMPA’s cold-blooded and ruthless tactics have made it next to impossible for those injured by negligent and incompetent doctors to get justice.
The series includes:
1. A Most Uneven Playing Field, The Case of Baby Morgan details the heartless approach the CMPA used to try to escape paying compensation to a baby that continues to suffer irreparable and life-long damage.
2. The CMPA’s Rise to Power highlights how the medical establishment’s enforcers started and how they came to dominate the country’s courts in opposition to patients seeking redress for perceived wrongs.
3. The Growing Potential for Malpractice Law Suits documents the likelihood of falling victim to medical neglect, malpractice and downright malfeasance and the unlikelihood of getting compensated.
4. Down the Rabbit Hole is a look at some cases the CMPA has defended and their strategy of attacking the victim.
5. Show Them the Money, And Plenty of It details the burgeoning public cost of injustice at the hands of the CMPA.
6. Your Doctor Probably Isn’t Insured goes over what needs to be done about that.
The Monitor Telegram will be publishing these articles one each week for the next six weeks and sending out our e-newsletter once a week starting next Tuesday.
As always, we look forward to your comments. petition
Stop the Canadian Medical Protective Association Subsidy
Mahatma Gandhi once said “a nation`s greatness is measured by how it treats it weakest members.” By this standard Canadians must hang their heads in shame with the knowledge that we subsidize our doctor`s Canadian Medical Protective Association fees so they can wage war against our weakest members, the disabled, who dare to speak out against doctors who are negligent in their care. As such we demand our provincial governments stop the subsidy so that all Canadians can have access to healthcare without fear, intimidation, or reprisals for speaking out against those who do them harm.
To sign the petition click here.
John Kenton Warren Sr. says
Excellent Article. Many Thanks.